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What is email marketing?

Email is an excellent way to engage with your audience, whether it’s through a cold sales email and they’re hearing about you for the first time, or it’s an email inviting them to your VIP program because they’ve already made a certain number of purchases. We understand that email marketing isn’t about the company–it’s about the customer, and about building an authentic relationship with them through the consistent communication of timely, relevant, and valuable content. Email marketing can be used for many additional purposes: content promotion, building brand awareness, generating and nurturing leads, and marketing products.

All of these different end-goals require different strategies and angles to get them right and make them effective. That’s where we come in. Studies show that two-thirds of customers have made a purchase as a direct response to an email they received. Not to mention that email marketing is a channel your company completely controls, unlike social media, the web, or ads. You have control over how, when, how often, and why your company reaches out to leads and customers via email. Email marketing is a powerful tool, but it’s surprisingly easy to get wrong. That’s why you want a team that’s trained in a variety of email marketing techniques to leverage this incredible channel for the maximum amount of return on investment.

Many customers get at least 121 emails a day, sometimes more. That’s a lot of content to weed through, and you want to be sure yours comes out on top. If you don’t leverage your email marketing power carefully, you could end up blacklisted in the spam folder. Our email marketing services will ensure that customers reliably look forward to your email content and engage with it on a regular basis.